Personalized Online Competitor Research Consulting

Are you determined to stay ahead of the competition in your industry? Do you find yourself curious about your competitors strategies in the ever-evolving digital landscape? Look no further! My personalized consulting service is precisely tailored to provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary to conduct thorough competitor research online for your business.

Through this personalized consulting session, you will be guided hands-on exercises that delves deeply into every facet of your competitors online strategies, understanding their approaches on the most popular online media from Google Search to social media (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Linkedin, Twitter), you will be empowered to make informed decisions and strategically position your business for success.

To book your session, simply click on the calendar below to select a date and time that works best for you.

180 minutes

USD 120

1-On-1 Personalized Consulting

What To Anticipate From This Personalized Consulting Session?

Examine Media Consumption And Behaviour Changes Over The Years

Explore the latest trends in internet adoption, media consumption, social media, and search engines. Understand how these trends impact your competitors' online presence and discover opportunities for growth.

Hands-on Analysis Of Your Competitors' Websites

Learn powerful tools and techniques to study your competitors' websites. Uncover their strengths, weaknesses, and strategies. Through practical exercises, you will gain firsthand experience in analyzing acquisition strategies, audience demographics, & content strategies.

Hands-on Analysis Of Your Competitors' Google Ads

Uncover your competitors' Google ad campaign strategies by analysising their ad contents, tactics, campaign offer, keywords selection & bidding. Through hands-on exercises, you will gain newfound insights into optimizing your own Google ad campaigns.

Hands-on Analysis Of Your Competitors' Meta Ads

Uncover your competitors' Facebook & Instagram ad campaign strategies by analysing their Meta campaign messaging, tactics, promotions and ads destination in either real-time or from the past. Through hands-on exercises, you will apply your newfound insights to enhance your own Facebook & Instagram ad campaigns.

Hands-on Analysis Of Your Competitors' Tiktok Ads

Uncover your competitors' Tiktok ad campaign strategies by analysing their past Tiktok campaign objectives, messaging, tactics, promotions, ads engagement. Through hands-on exercises, you will apply your newfound insights to enhance your own Tiktok ad campaigns.

Hands-on Analysis Of Your Competitors' Linkedin Ads

Uncover your competitors' Linkedin ad campaign strategies by analysing their past Linkedin campaign messaging, tactics, and promotions. Through hands-on exercises, you will apply your newfound insights to enhance your own Linkedin ad campaigns.

Hands-on Analysis Of Your Competitors' Twitter Ads

Uncover your competitors' Twitter ad campaign strategies by analysing their Twitter campaign messaging, tactics, promotions, ads engagement and ads destination in either real-time or from the past. Through hands-on exercises, you will apply your newfound insights to enhance your own Twitter ad campaigns.

Hands-on Analysis Of Your Competitors' Google Business Profile

Uncover your competitors' Google Business profile strategies by analysing what sets them apart in earning high authority on Google search organic ranking. Through hands-on exercises, you will apply your newfound insights to optimize your own Google Business profile.

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